致富燈光音響科技有限公司及致富燈光音響有38年專業燈光音響經驗。我們能提供全面的租賃服務、銷售、工程及有關技術指導於舞台、節目製作、室內及室外活動音響、視聽、燈光、聲學反射設備、即時傳譯系統、LED顯示屏、LCD Display Wall、投影系統及資訊科技教學系統。我們提供專業燈光音響服務於大型典禮、演唱會及會議等。最近,我們設計及安裝所有位於澳門大學橫琴校區的課室及各演講廳影音設備。
Artigos Electricos Chi Fu was established in Macau since 1981. We started our business in professional service in stage, audio, lighting and video equipment of the rental market. With our growth in this market, we had developed our business in projects for the design and installation of venues, like theatre, Casino, Exhibition hall, convention centre, hotel and school. In the recent years, we are providing the full range of Professional Lighting, Sound reinforcement, Audio , S.I. System, Visual, Full Color LED Wall Screen, Lazer Projector and Intelligent wireless control System.
We also have the sole agency and authorized dealer for different products in lighting, Visual and audio equipment. With the fully support directly from the manufacturers and suppliers, we can provide an excellent service to our customers, such as Hotel, Casino, the Macau Government Education Department, Cultural Department, Tourism Department, District Office Department… etc.